The Dos & Don'ts of Backpacking Europe

Today I come to you from the depths of the holiday blues as I’m just back from Switzerland. With travel on my mind, as promised this post is dedicated to the dos and don'ts of interrailing.

Assume Everyone Speaks Your Language

It can come across very ignorant. Learn a few key phrases, even just Hello!

Be Afraid

In today's society we are brought up to be afraid of the world and although it can be scary there is so much out there to experience. Most people want to help you and other travellers in hostels want to chat!

Assume You Can Hop On Any Train

Check the trains included in your ticket and check in case they need to be booked.

Lose Your Stuff

Split your stuff up. Keep your travel card in an accessible place but your real bank card separate so you always have backup (same with cash). Make photocopies of you (& friends) passports (& insurance) and keep them in every bag.


Pay For Sleeper Carriages

When making long journeys I suggest getting a sleeper and going over night. More sightseeing time.

Buy The Right Ticket

Test your route by checking train times so you purchase a ticket with the right amount of travel days.

Plan Your Route

You don’t have to however it can work out cheaper. Booking hostels in advance saves you wondering around for a bed and you often get cheaper & nicer places.

Pack Light

I used a rucksack the max size for hand luggage. I overpacked both times I went interraling and regretted it BOTH times. You don’t need a lot; you can wash clothes and to be honest no one cares what you’re wearing.


Self-explanatory. Keep track of things. Pennies make pounds.


Look up the countries you’re visiting and have vague understanding of the rules. In Bratislava I didn’t know to stamp my bus ticket and got fined 50€.

I hope these tips help you avoid the many mistakes I made. Remember it's a learning experience and as Hannah Montana once said... nobody's perfect!

Thanks again,
Elleis x


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