How to Plan Your Interrail Trip

Over the past two summers I have completed two months backpacking Europe through Interrail and personally I felt the most daunting part was planning the trip. Although I am no expert, I have a few tips to share that I hope can make the process easier for you!

Step 1: Plan Your Route

Firstly, I'd look on Skyscanner and pick the two cheapest countries to fly in/out of Europe from, then plan my route around those entrance and exit points. Although you may want to free ride Europe and hop on and off trains as you please, I suggest planning your route first. A list of the places Interrail cover can be found here.

Step 2:  Check Train Times

With your route sorted, check the times of trains and test your route works before purchasing a ticket. This is the best way to make sure you are selecting an Interrail ticket that covers your route. Train times are located here. It's important to note some trains might need to be booked, another reason to plan ahead! 

Step 3: Select Your Ticket

There are various ticket types which can be found here. Planning your route and checking your train times makes it easier to pick the right ticket, making sure you have enough ‘travel days’ to get you from point a to b.

Step 4: Book Accommodation

You can miss this step if you are hoping on and off trains freely. However, in my experience Interrailing works out cheaper by booking hostels in advance and you tend to get the better picks. I always use HostelWorld.

Step 5: Insurance

Pretty self-explanatory, it’s better to be safe than sorry! You can get cheap deals on loads of insurance websites that cover you for the year without breaking the bank. I’m with MultiTrip.

Step 6: Pack Up and Head Out!

Feel free to comment any questions!

My next post is going to cover a list of essential items to take as well as few tips on what to expect and what to watch out for!

Thanks again,
Elleis x


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