About Me

Hello, and welcome to my blog spot, Pieces Of Elleis!

 As you may have guessed from the blog title, my name is Elleis! It's pronounced eee-lease but I'm almost always mistaken for Ellis, however I am not the bird from Big Brother.

 At time of post I am a 20 year old business student studying in Glasgow and as part of my marketing class I have been tasked to blog about a subject of interest of mine and so I have chosen travel. 

 Over the past two years of university you may say I have got around.. the world. Through various holidays, city breaks and especially 2 months backpacking Europe over two summers. Of-course my travels are only undergone out of term time, as they say knowledge is power people! Luckily for myself, holidays have always been a part of my life and so I was never scared to explore. My passion for travelling, and belief that I could go it alone started when I took my first solo flightto Florida in 2014. It left a taste in my mouth and from then on I have been motivated to see as many places as possible in my lifetime. Visiting new countries, experiencing new cultures and meeting a variety of new people with lots of different personalities has became a passion of mine. And although many say the youth travel to find themselves, I'd like to think I leave a piece of me everywhere I go.

 In my following posts I plan to give you the down low on all things interrail and student travel as all my holidays are financed by me, a student. I hope you enjoy my entrees and feel free to comment on any areas for improvement, after all I am no blogger!

Many thanks,
Elleis x


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